
Learning technology. Sharing the knowledge.

Monthly Archives: November 2013

Crowd Funding Ruby Gem

This is my second Ruby gem that I will have posted publicly. It is the bonus project for the Ruby class at The program uses the same concepts in Ruby as the game I posted in My First Ruby Gem.

First Ruby Gem Built!!

I am finishing up the Ruby course at It has been an excellent course and I have enjoyed it very much. The last major step of the course is to publish my first public gem of the project that I worked through. Part of the information that needed to be included in ≤,≥……oiiiiiiio (that last bit was my son helping me out 🙂 the gemspec was a home page for my gem. Here it is since I don’t have a better home for it right now.

The gem is called studio_game_peterpiper. It has been a fun project and I will be publishing it to momentarily.